Category Archives: dreams


The Crucifixion Dream, of 1962,  completing 5 dreams The young man and I went to the back of the yard, and brought the old woman from the car into the back yard.  Then we brought both the old woman and old man to the center of the large backyard.   They had nothing to say.  We […]

Start of 5th and Last Dream

I was walking down the dirt road to the old farmhouse where I was living as a child.  I was about 21.   I approached the back yard, and the road and property had  been flooded.   At my right, the ditch next to our garden was still emptying out from the flood, and a very large […]

The Family Crisis

I went to my son in the middle of the night as he was having convulsions for the only time in his life before or after.  It had been his 15th birthday, he had not been ill that evening, but was running a temperature of 105 degrees.   I could not handle him, and he even […]

The Tree Lady by Helena December 19, 2019, 6:19:23 PM MST, Helena Ackley wrote: Our whole family went back on our first vacation to my parents, in 1960. I dreamed I was awake, and heard a little girl crying. I was very aware of where my sons were sleeping, and how old they were, and that it was not any of them, it was a girl. My husband and I were in a bedroom next to the room I slept in when I was 5. I dreamed I went into that room, and it was like my room had been then. I talked for most of the night with the little girl, whom I did not recognize. I told her she could remember me talking to her, and what I had said when she heard the wind blowing the leaves in the tree outside her window. I thought I had been awake all night. I was comforting her. In the morning I told Art, but he had not heard her, and told me that I must have been dreaming.. So, we went into that room. It was full as a store room by then. It was a shock to me. But as we went down to breakfast, a memory was sparked. I asked my parents if I had talked about “The Tree Lady” to them when I was about 5, and first slept alone in my own bedroom. They both brightened right up and told me YES, and they were very relieved about it, and thought it must be my guardian angel. I asked if I had told them anything she had said, and they said, no, but it was all about my fears, or what I may have cried about the day before, and the way I seemed to be comforted, and felt safe and told them that she had watched over me. They thought my nightmares ended then too. But, here it was as if I had been talking to her, to myself, then, when I must have been 39 or 40 years old by then. As a child, I had forgotten about her in a few years, by the time I was age 9. Yet, for me by then, with this happening, my own spiritual functioning seemed to be with a difference from normal time, in other instances after that, as if it was when I was ready to bridge this gap in some real way. This had shown me something then. But, I still cannot explain it, only that it happened, and my whole family knew about it. I know it is possible, now, as I could not have even imagined before then.

Trusting God’s Nature

God did not create us to then give up on us, or to destroy some of us as evil

An unexplained happening

I did catch him, before he hit the cement

Brain Expansion, by spiritual changes.

// Message body I had originally written to an author of an essay article titled “Synergy”  It was about the many coincidences which occur with Synergic  connections between various  people.  The author was a  professor at Chapel Hills University many years ago.  I had begun to notice these connections, not caused out of our own intentions […]

I am now seeing the flow of Cosmic energy like a river, with a main stream, with its swirls, whirlpools, and quiet places, along with crashing on what seems to be the edges.  The raging river of my 3rd dream in this blog may well  have been my own sense of drowning in that stream, not […]

Response to someone who has their own similar self discoveries.

This is appreciated and will be shared.  I did have 3 to 4 years following each  guiding dream, which went as if the dream had a lot of info for me in a nutshell, and it took me that long to realize and to apply, discover, all it meant to me, each time.  I did […]

The Lord’s Prayer for today, for myself.

I did paraphrase the Lord’s prayer, elaborating in every way possible. Our Father, Our creators, mother and father to us all,

Who Art In Heaven, who are beyond us totally, but who love each of us as a child of God, and want the best for us, not only as we may think and want, but as you know we need.